Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rachel Reilly - One of The most hot guest among 13 house house guest of Big Brother 12

Name: Rachel Reilly 

Age: 26 Years Old (Born April 8, 1984)

Living area: Las Vegas, Nev.

Occupation: Chemistry Graduate Student/VIP Cocktail Waitress

Like To do: Painting, working out, doing anything outdoors, watching movies with friends, playing with my dog, getting dressed up and going on dates.

Big Brother cast member like most: She like Laura the most because she stuck up for what she believed.
Afraid of: spiders

Is there anything else you want the fans to know about yourself: I have so many facets to my personality. I'm a model, a cocktail server, a chemist, a student, a charity head... I have life experiences to share.


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